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Contact us

Central Office
Hales Valley Trust
Highgate Road

General Enquiries
Any queries relating to marketing, operational and general academy information.
Telephone: 01384 816778


The Trust’s complaints procedure is for parents, carers and members of the public to use to make complaints about any Schools/Academies or Local Governing Board within the Trust.

We value our relationship with parents, carers and our local community and are happy to receive suggestions and comments on what goes on within our Schools/Academies. This can help us to identify areas of success and where we can make improvements. We believe it is important that anyone who raises a concern is treated seriously and that their concerns and complaints are dealt with promptly, courteously and fairly.

The Complaints Policy and Procedure below explains the incremental process for raising and dealing with complaints and is common to all Schools/Academies in the Trust, ensuring a consistent approach.

In the first instance, if you have a concern or complaint, we would encourage you to make this known to staff in the School/Academy to which it relates so that this can be addressed informally and locally in partnership. 

An unresolved concern or informal complaint, or a complaint which needs investigation, or is a more serious dissatisfaction with some aspect of the school’s policies, procedures, management or administration should be set out in writing to the School/Academy in accordance with the Policy using the Complaint Form below.

The Trust would not normally become involved in a complaint until the stages above have been exhausted.  This is outlined in the Procedure, along with further information about the involvement of third parties such as the ESFA (Education and Skills Funding Agency) on behalf of the Secretary of State, the Department for Education and Ofsted (Office for Standards in Education).

Please refer school complaint procedure for details of whom to submit completed forms for consideration.

Complaints Policy

For formal complaints please complete the complaint form available on this page.


Telephone: 01384 816778


Any queries relating to invoices, remittances, raised orders and outstanding payments for all schools across our trust.


Telephone: 01384 815633


Any queries relating to our current job adverts, applications, and general recruitment across out trust.


Telephone: 01384 816778


Please click on link below for hales valley trust Twitter page on @Trusthales